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IRZ presented new telecommunication equipment at the International Economic Forum 2018 in Saint Petersburg

The RADIUS system developed by engineers of IRZ is designed to provide mobile network coverage over remote settlements, along highways and railways where construction of traditional base stations is difficult or economically unviable nowadays. IRZ presented the new development on SPIEF-2018 on the 24—26th of May.

The RADIUS system supports 4G (LTE), 3G (UMTS), 2G (GSM) mobile networks and high speed mobile Internet expanding coverage area of one base station by 4—6 times.

The equipment can be used by two cellular mobile operators simultaneously which allows reducing costs of networks construction and  maintenance operating costs.

RADIUS allows deploying a NB-IoT (NarrowBand — Internet of Things) network for IoT — a special network for connecting digital resources of wide range of autonomous  units, for example, GPS-tracker for pets, meters, smart home devices, etc.

Nowadays, IRZ in cooperation with Megafon are testing the system. There are three trial zones in Udmurt Republic. Upon the the results of prototype testing experts estimated operator’s expenses for building and operating the coverage zone with the help of the RADIUS system: capital expenses for construction can be reduced by more than 2 times and operating expenses (mostly for electricity) — nearly by 5 times comparing to traditional base stations. All these open new opportunities for covering remote settlements with LTE, 3G where it wasn’t possible before.

There are no direct analogues to the RADIUS system over the world of the equipment for cellular signal retransmission: non-Russian service providers are already interested in the development. But the first and main task of IRZ is to provide population of Russia with stable mobile service and access to high-speed Internet either on the road or at home. IRZ presented the RADIUS system at the exhibition of the Udmurt Republic at St. Petersburg International Economic Forum which took place on the 24—26th of May in St. Petersburg, said Sergey Neviantsev, Deputy General Director — Business Development

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