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Check-out equipment for CU/HCCU system developed within ExoMars-2022 project

Check-out equipment for CU/HCCU system designed by IRZ represents important part of the ExoMars-2022 project.

As part of the ongoing work on this project, a number of key tests are currently being conducted to confirm the operability of the main elements of the mission.

The check-out equipment is unique testing system that enables monitoring of the descent module subsystems operation and as well as spacecraft control algorithms adjustment. For example, this type of equipment is used for automated tests of the descent module’s landing on Mars.

At all stages of the project, the check-out equipment was demonstrating excellent results. The first part of equipment is permanently located in Turin at Thales Alenia Space company’s premises. The second part has returned to the IRZ after thermal vacuum tests of the descent module, which took place in Cannes. At IRZ, the designers will prepare the equipment for testing of the spacecraft's thermal control system.

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