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Mobile Radio System of DMR standard


Mobile Radio System is designed to provide the conventional operative technological radio communication in analog and digital modes. Single-site and complex territorial distributed networks can be built on the equipment (portable radio; mobile radio; base radio; operator consoles). The connection between the base radios and operator consoles is provided via IP network.


  • single-site radio system is intended for the operative technological communication on any local facility like a logistics center, a building site or a factory. It helps to coordinate the work and provide personnel safety and the management of the production processes
  • multi-site radio system is intended for the communication along the linearly extended objects like motorways and railways, gas pipelines, power lines and territorially distributed objects


  • base radio (repeater) to create the distributed digital networks of DMR standard of Tier II and Tier III levels
  • operator console to provide voice communications, group organization, network elements' configuration, monitoring and location control
  • user equipment: portable, mobile, base and locomotive radios
  • software of the system controlling and monitoring the radio communication network via IP network


  • analog and digital modes operation
  • record and control of the conversations
  • location of the subscribers' radios (GLONASS/GPS)
  • Man Down function in the portable radio
  • communication between the base radios equipment and operator consoles via IP network
  • flexible scaling of the network and operators' workplaces
  • remote programming of the base radios
  • management of the users' access rights of the control and monitoring systems
  • network safety
  • event logging
  • regular free update of the software
  • no license fees for the software
  • free technical support throughout the whole period of the equipment operation

Short description

Single-site conventional radio system will solve the needs for operative technological communication on the local objects such as logistics centers, building sites, factories and will help to coordinate the work and provide personnel safety as well as to manage the production processes.

Single-site conventional radio system will

Multi-site conventional radio system will provide communication along the linearly extended objects like motorways and railways, gas pipelines, power lines and territorially distributed objects.

Multi-site system allows to provide communications between the operator and the personnel on the whole area of the responsibility and allows the operator to form the groups quickly and to track the location of the employees, control the conversations, connect the radio network subscribers with the subscribers of the departmental PBX or mobile subscribers.

Multi-site system
